Miami Boys Choir Tiktok Song – Yeroushalaim Chel Zahav

Song Details: Miami Boys Choir Tiktok Song. The song name is Yeroushalaim Chel Zahav which is sung by Hana Tzur and Ramat-Gan Chamber Choir.

Miami Boys Choir Tiktok Song

Avir harim tzalul kayayin
Vereiach oranim,
Nisa beru’ach ha’arbayim
Im kol pa’amonim.

Uvetardemat ilan va’even
Shvuyah bachalomah,
Ha’ir asher badad yoshevet /nitzevet
Uvelibah chomah.

Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich ani kinor.

Eicha yavshu borot hamayim
Kikar hashuk reikah,
Ve’ein poked et har habayit
Ba’ir ha’atikah.

Uvame’arot asher basela
Meyalelot ruchot,
Ve’ein yored el yam hamelach
Bederech Yericho.


Ach bevo’i hayom lashir lach
Velach lik’shor k’tarim,
Katonti mitze’ir bana’ich
Ume’acharon ham’shorerim.

Ki shmech tzorev et hasfatayim
Keneshikat saraf ,
Im eshkachech Yerushalayim
Asher kulah zahav…


Chazarnu el borot hamayim
Lashuk velakikar,
Shofar kore behar habayit
ba’ir ha’atikah.

Uvame’arot asher baselah
Alfei shmashot zorchot,
Nashuv nered el yam hamelach
Bederech Yericho!


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