Westerman – The Line lyrics

Presenting the The Line lyrics performed by Westerman. Hope you would enjoy the lyrics of the song. Stay tuned in for more.

The Line lyrics

I miss you
Baby I miss you
She s all upset again
Wolf in a van
I open up
Sit with the issue
In the sun
With an ice cream in my hand

Am I looking too closely
Am I taking it too far
I want to know about where the line is

Don t think
You choose not to choose that s a choice and it brings new choices to you
Stuck with the infinite
“Is there a place for us?”
Somewhere removed

I hear a voice call out from the back seat
I stay on it but it surely melts
I move up
Step into the circle
Watching the stars with a certainty felt

Am I looking too closely
Am I taking it too far
I want to know about where the line is

Remember that day back
Way back when there was nothing
Maybe that day only made sense
If there is something

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